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The Forbidden City of China — Zijin Cheng

The Chinese name of the Forbidden City is Zijin Cheng. Fromthe Ming Dynasty to the end of Qing Dynasty the “Forbidden City” was theChinese imperial palace. It is situated in the centre of Beijing. Itwas served as the home of emperors and their households for almost fivehundred years. It was also the political centre of Chinese government.More images after the break.
The Forbidden City is the largest palace which covers72 ha and it is a rectangle 753 metres from east to west and 961 metresfrom north to south. It was designed to be the middle of the ancient,city of Beijing. The Forbidden City consists of 980 buildings with 8,707rooms. In 1987, it was declared a world heritage site. This postfeatures a collection of some incredible photographs of Zijin Chengcity.