"She has this inclination of wanting to be associated in ventures... that she will feel strongly about - socially, morally, woman centric, purposeful and one that she would believe in even when the film is out of the cans. Her basis of selection must adhere to one of the others mentioned above. Not always. But yes, generally, " Amitabh posted on his blog early Sunday morning from London.
"She must also have a connect with the (film)maker. There must be an area of level thought and feel. She will look for a quality that endears her to him or her personally. It is not all about work and profession, it's about whether she will be able to build a relation. The production or the set becomes her home then, " he added.
Big B, 67, further threw light on his wife of 37 years bonding with a film and crew.
"She will look at it with individual and personal interest. If the surroundings are not clean she will clean it, point out irregularities that do not suit or agree with her aesthetics.
Crew and colleagues become her friends. She will sit with them in the make-up room, not necessarily to discuss the next shot or scene or to be learning her lines but, to chat informally, as if at home, " he wrote.
"To become an element of their troubles and disclosures if there be. To suggest, advise. Become a confidante to. I find them over at the house often, more out of social need than one that could be professional.
Their troubles become hers, their joys and accomplishments her ecstasy. And they remain so, even when the disconnect on the completion of a project occurs, " he added.
Amitabh also pointed out at the contrast in his wife and himself regarding their nature.
"I, on the other hand, find myself quite the other. Got a job to do, get out there, give it the desired input and out. No interference in the others or other. No business of mine.
Pack your bags after the day is over and homeward bound. Yes whenever there is an approach for a personal moment from the other, indulge I must and do. But never the initiator, " he posted.
"Two rather opposite qualities and each with their very definite presence and importance. The former endearing and affectionate, the latter distant and aloof, " he added.
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