Supporting its claim that Viveka Babajee and stock analyst Gautam Vora were in a relationship, the dead fashion model's family released photographs and internet text messages exchanged between the duo. Viveka's family also demanded Gautam to "come out with all truth about Viveka".The family alleged that Gautam had lied and misguided the police as well as media about the nature of his relationship with Viveka and spread the "depression theory".They also released Gmail chats and Facebook messages (social networking site) exchanged between them between May and June. Representative of Viveka's family Dale Bhagwagar said that the printout copies of Viveka's Gmail and Facebook accounts and the photographic evidence, which signify their relationship as a couple in love, have been handed over to the police. (Photo Courtesy: Dale Bhagwagar Media Group)/(Text: PTI)
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